"Well, at first they thought it is some weird new disease, and that`s why they were isolated for scientific research. Soon they found out, though, that the pesticides and other chemicals in our food and water had activated the HERV-viruses, which have been hiding in our DNA for thousands of years. They were in our genes even before we were diverged from chimpanzees, and had lost their ability to cause diseases long time ago, but once in a while stress activates a HERV, which causes mutation and can lead to cancer. Officials of course didn`t wanted people to know the truth about chemicals, but even less they wanted people to know that the reason why the mutation was so fierce this time, was a stress caused by pressures of society and constant competition, because after all, our entire society and economy is based on competition."
I was amazed, even though they have never told that in school, I knew he was telling the truth. "How in the Earth you can know this all?", I asked, impressed of his knowledge. "I have studied biology and sociology in university, and we also have a website, similiar to Wikileaks, were people can leak information. The authorities have no idea how many workers of National Institute of Health and NSA are actually members of AF- society.",he said smirking.
I could have talked with Thomas for hours, but just then Jake joined into the conversation. "Thank you, Thomas. Next we have to discuss about another subject, since we will take back control from authorities and change the system, starting with the protests of thousands of people, at the next U.S national day, which is only little over month from now. Do you want to be involved?" Me and Liam, as well as just arrived twins, said immediatly yes. Like there was any other options, this was our last change."
Gerard "Party Poison" Way as Nick <3
The things I wrote about HERV, (Human Endogen Retrovirus), chemicals and cancer are true, I have rode science articles and watched documents. Yeah, I`m nerd :)
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