The last three weeks we had been training for revolution. Jonas and his friends had given us parkour lessons, and in the first lesson, we had suprised them with our talent, me and Bill had in fact been training parkour since we were 15. We all laughed our heads off when Nick and Liam tryied it first time, they hadn`t get much muscles to their arms for skating, and couldn`t do even the basics. Their body control was good, though, and after three weeks of trainig and working in the town, they weren`t much behind us.
A few days after our arrival, we had noticed how friendly everyone in the town was, and asked it from Thomas. "Don`t you let unfriendly people to move here, or is it because this hippie-like way of living?" Jonas laughed, "No, it is because of Angels. They are naturally innocent and honest, like young childs, expect that it doesn`t disappear even when they are adults, and they feel emphathy stronger than humans. When you add to, that they also see behind lies and pretending, and understand this world better than most, no wonder that authorities fear and hate them. If they hadn`t break Angels` will, they would have already opened many peoples`eyes." ,he said with sadness.
If Angels were innocent like childs, you couldn`t say it about everyone. I honestly got scared when I first time saw the men who teached us self-defence and using weapons. They were with one exeption around 6 feets tall, muscular and full of tattoos. I was amazed how well Nick get together with them, until I heard that one of them was Mr. Shadows, who had interviewed him and send him tickets to here. When days passed, though, I get to know them better, and finally Brian, Jimmy, Matt, Zacky and Johnny were ones of my best friends.

Parkour, or PK, is a non-competitive contact sport in which a traceur or traceuse uses only their body to negotiate a series of obstacles with maximum efficiency of motion. Generally, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. As most practitioners of PK can tell you, that line (or trace) is not always the easiest but it's a hell of a ride.