lauantai 14. joulukuuta 2013

Alex Foster chapter 6

I was sitting in the bed when Alex came inside. “What you are doing here?”, I asked. “I came to save you, but I`m not sure how to get you out. I really don`t want to shoot everybody.”,Alex said. “Do you have RFID tag like me?” I remembered that Alex`s colleague had put something in my neck and said they would always know where I am. “Yeah, in my neck. How you will get it out?”

Alex grinned: “I wont, but I can nuke it with microvawes. I`m sorry, this will hurt a lot, but It`s not dangerous.” and took plastic gun from his bag. He shooted my neck and I almost yelled from pain. It felt like my neck was on fire, but three seconds later it was over, and I didn`t have any burn or wound on my neck. “What the hell that was?!”, I hissed.

“I`m sorry, this is not meant to use on humans. This is advanced version from putting your schoolbooks in microvawe oven so you can ditch from school and go play ARG`s in streets, like we did in high school.” Alex said looking embrassed.

I sighed. “Okay, I forgive you, but lets get out of here. Don`say we have to run from here.”
“No we don`t, I have swoop board that Alex built, it`s twice as fast as regular swoop boards. Let`s just hope they don`t shoot the fuel tank or we will be in big trouble, or  should I say, in big explosion.”

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