Three days later, when we were playing and eating nachos, I got call from army lab. “What`s wrong? I still have four days off from work”, I asked. “I`m sorry Mr. Foster, but we have problems with hybrid. She is physically and mentally perfectly developed, but refuses to perform her tasks in simulation. Can you come and fix her?” Of course I had no other option than say yes, after all I was still just a student.
“Hi..”, I began to ask, until I realised that I didn`t know her name. “What`s your name?”
“I`m A`rya”, she said smirking, which looked pretty scary because of her long, snake-like teeth. “So A`rya, I heard you had problems with commanders. Why you didn`t perform your tasks in simulation?”
“Why I would kill man that hasn`t hurt anybody, just because they told me so? I don`t even know who they are, I certainly don`t think they are any better. They may have created me, but they don`t own me, and I don`t have any part in their war.” Then I understood, she was good person, and I didn`t want to turn her into murderer. But she was too intelligent and dangerous that they would let her go. I had to save her.
After I left work, I started to figure out what I would need to save her and run away. I already had swoop board, stun gas and hacking programme in USB stick that I could use to open electronic locks, but I needed money and some kind of gun. Money was easy, Frank had lot of BitCoins, so I only had to go to automat that changed BitCoins to cash. Then I went to see our friend Janus, who was Harlequin.
In Liberty Army,(that was main group of NTAO25), there was two kinds of members. Pathfinders like Frank, Echelon and I were developing better systems and informing others, while Harlequins were kind of like guards. They protected young members who didn`t yet understand the thruth about surveillance and System, and also activists in demonstrations.

Janus in Harlequin uniform

Janus in Harlequin uniform
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